Excellent condition, low mileage, professional conversion.
Berth and Sleeping arrangement: 2+2 berth. The travel seats in the rear can be converted into a bed with a lever release on the right hand side, allowing the seat to fold out and the back rest collapse down. The main sleeping space is up top in the poptop canvas which features a comfortable mattress topper.
Travelling Seats: There are 4 travelling seats in total, 2 captain seats in the cab and 2 forward facing travelling seats in the rear. All fitted with 3-point belts.
Kitchen Utilities and Appliances: Featuring a 12V powered compressor fridge which has excellent retention of its temperature, a sink with 12V powered tap, gas hobs and a grill unit for gas cooking.
Heating System: Eberspacher diesel heating has been selected. This is easy to operate and is highly efficient and reliable. It can heat up your vehicle in a matter of minutes.
Master Panel: Simple master panel with 12V isolation to power internal electrics, water pump isolation, light isolation and fridge isolation.
Additional features: Plenty of storage, privacy blinds, trips in the rear, tailgate door, upgraded poptop security straps with locking mechanism.
Cabinet features: Air conditioning, 12V ports, fan blower, automatic start/stop, cruise control, touch screen LCD display with a variety of features, all the traditional cabin features.
Externally: Wind-out canopy awning, mains inlet, fresh water filler, waste drainage.
Licence required: Can be driven on a standard full UK manual liceence.
All vehicles come with a fresh, 12-month, no advisory MOT, full service, full habitation inspection and reporting, comprehensive warranty coverage and a complimentary valet.